Tuesday, June 10, 2003

2003 Tim and Faith wed: San Fran winter meetings, Orlando/Dad & Angie, Kauai/Dad, Oregon, Europe/Angie after Prague, Oahu/Dad - Sean, Oregon

San Francisco
Jan.---Winter Meetings in San Francisco and vacation down Big Sur with Carolyn

My blog of my San Fran trip is HERE

1-19-2003   Faith's bridal shower---hosted by Stefanina's
 They needed a camera for their up coming honeymoon!

Feb. 1-8, 2003:  Dad's 5th week of the year Orange Lake vacation.

 nightly cribbage match
 Disney World---Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, MGM Studios
my blog of our 2003 Orlando trip is HERE:

2-15-2003    Tim and Faith's wedding!!!!

On a very cold and icy night, the kids got married! 
such a beautiful couple!

more of their wedding HERE

2-17-2003   Angie off to Prague
Angie was suppose to be in Prague for school already, but got permission to show up a few days late so she could be at her brother's wedding.  So the Monday after the wedding, she took off for about 5 months in Europe.  It was her 4th year in college.  Instead of a 4 year program, the architecture program was 5 years with the 4th year having a semester of internship or foreign studies.  She chose foreign studies.  Since Prague offered a reciprocal program (we just had to pay the price of her going to K-state), she went there.  Turned out to be a good decision.  Lots of great architecture out there.  Some of her classmates went to places like England or Australia, or even Italy, but the cost for those exchanges were in the 30,000+ category!  We're too cheap for that.
Angie and me right before she took off to Prague.  
Angie at the airport---tired of me taking pictures of her.

3- 5 through 15 -2003   off to Kauai (Dad's 1st trip, our 2nd)

One of our highlights this trip---hiking the Kalalau Trail from Kee beach.
dad and me doing a resort scuba dive.
just another gorgeous view of the Waimea Canyon!
more of our Kauai trip HERE

3-26-2003  Our new Ford Escape
It was time to get a new car.  I've been eying the escapes.  Even rented one on my last vacation to see if I really liked it.  I did.  So we bought one.

6-6-2003  Cardinal game courtesy of Baileys
Ken and his boss---we always said they looked like Gilligan and the Skipper of Gilligan's Island
The host---William Bailey.  He lives in Oregon, but sells poles to Ken.  So as a thank you, his company would get a box every other year and invite their buyers to the game.  william and  Ken became more then work associates, they became friends.  We would even look them up when we were in Oregon.  And they joined us on Maui one year.  Great guy---and his wife, Sue.  So it wasn't a big surprise when he had extra tickets that he'd ask if any of our kids wanted to come to the game.  This time, Tim and FAith gladly accepted. 
 William and Ken. 
The Gang.  
it was even a floppy hat giveaway night.

6-2003   our annual trip to Oregon

this was the summer we talked Dad into going to the Worldmark Resort in Bend, Oregon.  I had put a bug in his ear about buying into that points system.  I'd read a lot of good things about Worldmark.  To my surprise, when we were at the presentation, he threw us a curve and said he'd split it with us and go in halvies with us.  So we ended up taking him up on the offer.
 While we were in Eastern Oregon, we spent a couple days exploring the area.  Loved the Scenic Cascade highway byway! 
Fun seeing snow in June---and it not being wicked cold.
and beautiful mountain lakes!  

June 25th- July 8-2003  Europe with Angie!

One of my most treasured trips!  A fabulous Mother/daughter trip through Europe by Eurail.  I even got the 1st class Eurail passes in a unique way.  Found someone selling them on Ebay and I messaged him to say I was interested, but leary.  If he would send the tickets and I could verify them, then I'd send the money.  Much to my surprise, he agreed!  Got a heck of a deal on first class Eurail passes---good for 14 days of travel in 30 days.  So I sent Angie's to her early and she used it a couple times before I got there since I knew we wouldn't be traveling 14 days during the 2 weeks I was there.  We went from Prague to France, to Italy, to Spain, to France, ... .  
Angie meeting me at the airport and taking me back to her dorm by bus.
 up at Prague castle.  We were on in Prague for 1 night.  Looked like a beautiful place for her to have spent 5 months!
 waiting for a train in Ronchamp, France.
Geneva, Switzerland
 Spanish steps in Rome
Colosseum in Rome
 on top of St. Peters in the Vatican
gelatto in Rome
on top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
more if our trip HERE

Aug. 8-15, 2003 me to Oahu with Dad 

When Sean was up for reenlistment, he asked Dad to come be his reenlistment officer.  Dad, of course, said yes.  Then he asked me if I wanted to join him.  Hell yes!!!!  Unfortunately, the Navy ran out of money when they were suppose to reenlist Sean, so his reenlistment was postponed.  But Dad and I made the trip anyway and had many good days visiting with Sean who happened to be stationed there at the time.  It was great having a "local" there to show us around!
 Waimea park.
 hiking up and up and up Diamond Head-my 1 and only time doing that.
finally at the top
going to the Arizona Memorial---as great as it was the first time!
standing with the military flags in the Arizona Memorial
More of that trip HERE

Angie's final year of college in Manhattan, Kansas (K-State)
This year we let her rent an apartment on her own.  In previous years she had 1 - 3 other roommates (not including the first year when she was at UMKC and had to stay in a dorm. 
Not quite the Manhattan she had dreamed of living in!

Angie home from K-state for a visit and bringing Sarah
Angie with our aging pup---Pepsi.  

She was even home for her birthday.

My practicing my portrait photography for Prestige
Angie and her good friend Sarah who has remained a great friend every since.

Still celebrating Halloween!  Her boyfriend of 7 years from St. Louis even went to Manhattan to celebrate with her.
cute little kitty

Angie's Ball
Angie and Sarah, again.  The school held a big Ball every year.  
Angie and a bunch of her friends went to it.

Angie's new teeth
Many years ago---back when she was still in school at North American Martyrs, she had fallen on the black top at recess and broke her 2 front teeth off.  The dentist bonded them, but said she'd have to have them capped when she was fully grown.  Since she was almost out of our insurance plan, it was time to get them capped.  So while she was home for a visit, off she went to the dentist.

Nov. 1-Tim and Faith to an awards dinner for work
always the goofballs

11-27-03  Thanksgiving at Tim and Faith's
Nice having both kids back in the same place again---even if it's just for a few days.
Faith working on the turducken.
Nice get together.
always gotta be trying out new hair styles.  Wish I could find one I really like!
the happy hosts
bye, from our 4 armed son

Our Annual Xmas Eve Party
Not sure how it started, but we hosted the LaBeaume Xmas Eve party for many years.  Maybe it's because we had the biggest house back when our families were all young?  Later, after the brothers got wealthier and moved into bigger homes, they eventually took over the parties.  But that wasn't until Ken's Mom had been put in a home in Washington due to her dementia.  But for now---here we are again.
MaryAnn and Leroy---pre demetia.  She really was a smart cookie.
some of the group.  This is probably about the time Lena went on a diet and lost over 125 pounds---even started running.  Took her about a year, but many years later she's still maintaining her healthy weight.
tim and Faith
We had joked that all the gals should get MaryAnn a rolling pin for Xmas.  She use to talk about how they would disappear and reappear and knew it was caused by ghosts.  Faith happened to be the only one who followed through with the plan.  MaryAnn doesn't look too amused!
And Carolyn got Faith a cooking for dummies cookbook!  
we got them some battery powered toothbrushes---great presents gotten by all!!!
and if they don't think so---a stress ball!
Angie got what she wanted---she picked it out.

Christmas 2003

fancy wrapping paper and tag
K-state antennae ball

to keep her entertained at school
 more to keep her entertained---she's quite the artist!
a calendar of her semester overseas
 my new necklace.
Pepsi looking old

It was a pretty great year.  A wedding in the family.   Lots of travels.  Everyone, but Pepsi, in good health.  Too bad we couldn't stop time and live on in this year forever.

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